It has long been my opinion on this blog that if and when Bob Weber, Jr., recycles his Six Differences art, I get to recycle my Six Differences answers (in a Deja Vu post).  I think all of the differences I found in this post still stand for today's picture, so I will repost them below:

1) The mosquito on the left is a result of Count Weirdly’s experiments crossbreeding himself with various insects. The mosquito on the right has become fat on stage blood it drank by accident. The corn syrup content just completely mucked with its low-carb diet.

2) The dog on the left is horrified because the cat was just telling him horror stories of mosquitoes biting little dogs right in the eye.

1) Panel one is a picture of a young Bob Weber Jr. drawing what was at the time his heroic creation Buford Bull, aka Bull-Man. He would later grow jaded and begin drawing Buford as a layabout committing insignificant crimes and constantly getting hassled by the local vulpine police.

2) In panel one, Weber has endowed Bull-Man with the power of flight. In panel two, the artist has endowed Bull-Man with the power of lying incredibly still on his belly in front of a wind machine.

1) Due to her lack of whiskers, the cat in panel two constantly gets her head stuck in the space under the couch.

2) The dog in panel one is a neat freak. She picks up other people's trash and throws it in the bucket since she doesn't have access to inside trash cans. The dog in panel two is chilling a bottle of champagne for his date.

3) The man in panel one is unaccustomed to seeing his dog express emotion.

4) The cat in panel one is sticking out his tongue at the dog.

Hey everybody! Sorry I've been away from this blog so long. I can't promise I'll be back for good, or posting regularly -- I've been pretty busy with my career change, you know -- but I thought I'd at least get a post in today, since it's my last day of vacation. So let's get to it!

1) In panel one, the sea lion gets super pissed if you refer to him as a seal. Seriously, you're old enough to know better.

1. The cow in panel two was in a band, but quit when her bandmates kept insisting on less cowbell.

2. The pig in panel one has already succombed to frostbite.

3. The chicken in the bucket in panel one is a failed political platform.

4. The duck's feet in panel two were served at a dim sum restaurant along with dolphin fin soup, panstickers, and autumn rolls.

‎5. The cow in panel one is attempting to make ice cream. Someone needs to tell her that's not how it works.


1) The policeman in panel one is about to apprehend the little juvenile delinquent for drawing a mustache on the war hero's statue and painting it custard yellow. It's going to take a lot of allowances to pay for the sandblasting. The policeman in panel two is a member of an ultra-authoritarian, dystopian police-state in which merely sitting on a statue of the Great Leader is punishable by up to 15 years in a squalid solitary cell.

1) In panel one, the girl is having a nightmare that she has a test today that she didn't study for. In panel two, the girl is having a nightmare that she went to school in only her underwear. Fortunately, she wears very conservative underwear.

2) The apple in panel one contains a hidden camera to try to catch whether kids are cheating.

3) In panel two, the girl's bugged-out, perfectly spherical eyes mark her as the spawn of Beaker.

4) In panel one, the teacher is cramming for a test.

1) The girl in panel one plays Goldilocks in all the school plays, even the ones about Snow White.

2) The cat in panel one has whiskers coming out of its butt. The cat in panel two has loud noises coming out of its butt.

3) The builders of the house in panel two managed to construct it without a door. Holding open houses with a single round window as the only means of entrance and egress has been difficult.

4) The cat in panel two will be impounded for public nudity.

1) The steak in panel one came from Buford Bull.

2) The lobster in panel two will overpower Max Mouse to become Slylock's new sidekick.

3) The lobster in panel one has had enough of Max's poor sartorial choices. "You..." whack! "look..." bam! "stupid in that hat!"

4) The restaurant in panel one is under the impression that a pink steak is done. The restaurant in panel two appears to have served Slylock a chew toy.

1) In panel two, the policeman is saying, "Look here, sir, does your dog have a concealed weapon permit for that tooth?"

2) The police car in panel one got a gold star for attendance. The police car in panel two got a gold star on its spelling quiz.

3) In panel two, the cat has called the police to file charges against the dog for stalking. In panel one, the dog has called the police to file charges against the man for his mustache. It's just wrong.
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I'm married to Milton Avery, the head of Avery International, and I sometimes help him run his business when he's floating around amid plane wreckage in the Atlantic. My best friend is June Morgan, a registered nurse. We enjoy making men grovel together. Lately I've been busy shopping for a new car, since my last one exploded.
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Comics reproduced here are for purposes of review and parody only, as allowed under the Fair Use Act. All rights remain with the creator, Bob Weber, Jr., and his syndicate (except for the pictures of Gold-Digging Nanny; credit for those belongs to Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan, the creators of Rex Morgan, M.D.). All other post content, except where I have explicitly quoted someone, is copyright to me.